We are located at:

42 Gilbert Road

Chafford Hundred Grays

RM16 6NR

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If you have any queries or wish to make an appointment, please contact us:


+44 07813 798214 +44 07813 798214



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One-to-one training often has the most sucessful results. Have a professional trainer check your body composition, check your capacity, strength, speed and flexibility, run through your short term and long term goals and then set you a sucessful programme/plan. It may be that you already exercise and just aren't achieving the results you are looking for, or simply that you dont know where to start!

One-to-one training with apersonaltrainer can take place in a variety of settings keeping you motivated and working towards your ultimate goal. Sessions can be conducted in a gym, your local park or in your home or workplace. No addtional cost is charged - all equipment is provided.

This option is perfect for you if you: suffer from an injury; are overweight; need the one-to-one motivation; are starting out and want advice; hate gyms and want an alternative that works; are training for a specific goal i.e. weight loss for a wedding or holiday or you are training for a specific sport i.e. running a marathon!

Training buddy
If one-to-one training is not for you or seems just a little bit daunting to start off with why not consider the training buddy option? This is less intensive form of training where a professional trainer can train you and a friend together? Training in pairs often boosts your confidence and motivation and also gives you someone to train with outside the PT sessions. Your individual body composition and goals will still be examined and a programme set for you to work towards, but you have additional moral support! The other bonus of this package is that you can split the cost of the session between you! You have the option of training in the gym but you also can train from home, making it more flexible for you.

Group exercise

If you are a group looking for a motivating trainer look no further! Whether you are a sports team, competitive team, walking or running group or just a small group of friends there are lots of ways a professional trainer can assist you achieve your goals!

Do you need someone simply to run your warm up session and stretch before a charity fun-run?

Do you need a professional trainer to identify fitness needs for your team during through their pre-season training? I can cater for football, netball, hockey, golf and many other sport specific programmes.

I am qualified to teach groups (but not limited to) the following activities:
  • Group fitness
  • Running
  • Walking
  • Cycling
  • Aerobics
  • Step Aerobics
  • Aqua and water fitness training
  • Strength and conditioning
  • Fitness and cardiovascular training
  • Circuits
  • Weight training
  • Boxercise (from December 2007)
  • As well as numerous Les Mills Body Training programmes
Nutrition advice
We often train very hard to achieve our goals and then neglect our diet and therefore the fuel that feeds our bodies. Whilst not compulsory, it is highly recommended that all clients take the nutrition consultation package alongside all of the above forms of training. Please see the nutrition page to see what is involved.

trainer can also offer you nutrition and weight management advice specifically for your goals.
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Contact: info@apersonaltrainer.co.uk